Cornucopias game custom Dome sales

The Cornucopias team has held a custom dome sales on the 26th to 28th of August. This sale was earlier planned to occur after the Vasil hardfork.

After completing their rounds of land sales for the Cornucopias metaverse, the team had indicated the sale would happen after Vasil HFC. Following several Vasil delays, it seems that the team have resolved to proceed. Besides, Vasil launch is imminent.

Like the land sales, the team is worked diligently to ensure that the custom domes round of sales was a success. This NFT mint was expected to be even better following Vasil's scaling benefits.

There were 5 sizes (types) of custom domes for this game i.e small, medium, large, epic & Copias. They will be sized and priced as follows:

#Custom dome typeSize (m2)DiameterPublic SupplyPrice
1Small dome10,028.75113m1960$220
2Medium dome18,145.84152m1200$400
3Large dome29,559.25194m680$650
4Epic dome68,349.28295m320$1500
5Copias dome~113,636380m80$2500

After listening to feedback from the land sales NFT mint, the COPI team is more confident that the dome NFT mint will be immune from bots.

The mint will occur in 3 stages as follows:

TierGroup priorityCopiasEpicLargeMediumSmall
Tier 1OG role4080120200520
Tier 2NFT Holders402004808801280
Tier 3Cornucopians04080120160

Note: Mint dates and times are yet to be announced

A floating cornucopias dome render in unreal engine 5

Why the custom domes sold at the listed prices?

Most young DeFi projects fail because of inadequate funding or poor funds management. FlickTo is one of such previously promising projects which failed when their expenses overrun their cash vault.

The Cornucopias team is diligently doing their best to ensure that they have enough funds to

  1. Survive the current bear market.

    Some development teams hold their funds in form of ADA or other crypto coins. These assets are likely to fluctuate in value during a bear market.

    Usually, when such assets lose their value, the amount available to pay project development team members take a huge hit. Obviously, developers cannot be paid with crypto during a bear market, because it's hard to make a living on a volatile asset.

    This is why the COPI team is doing the sales priced in USD.

  2. Expand their development team.

    To deliver on the goals they set for themselves in a timely manner, the COPI team needs to hire more developers. A larger team means a larger salary budget.

This announcement came in as one of the leaks during COPI cafe episode #11. Announcement of the actual sale dates will happen via Cornucopias discord channel.

What will the custom domes be used for?

The COPI team is developing template domes that builders, artists and creators in their metaverse can modify to their liking. These domes will be NFT based and will not be player when the first version of the game is released.

Here is how Cornucopias custom dome NFTs compare to its other NFTs

FunctionCustom DomesZone PlotsHome Bubbles
Play and Earn
Build and Earn
Learn and Earn
Free player home bubble
Building tools
Commercial activity
Crafting and quests
Gameplay templates
Advanced building system
Themed building kits

The cornucopias team has prepared a detailed document containing everything you need to know about their custom domes.


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