Djed pre-launch development updates, and partnerships

COTI and IOG are busy working on Djed optimizations before it launches on mainnet. A lot of these final-touch edits are based on Cardano's Vasil updates, PAB & security tests. COTI has enumerated these changes via their medium page as follows:

  • Plutus script optimizations leading to a 60% decrease in fees.

  • The Djed team improved its testing and deploying pipeline.

    The enable faster development and release cycle, implemented over 80% of the test objectives. They can now automatically test Djed's smart contracts and Plutus backend applications (PAB).

  • The Djed on-chain code applied audit proposals and have been resubmit for final audits. Once evaluation is done, a final audit report will be provided. This report is expected to be ready by late November, 2022.

  • The Djed codebase has been updated to rely on 6 external sources to determine prevailing ADA (₳) exchange rate.

    According Djed's latest update, at least 3 of the 6 (50%) of these module. To eliminate redundancy, a higher this higher number of price sources (oracles) is preferred.

We are waiting for the final audit results to see if any critical issues are discovered. If there are no issues, we will go ahead to deploy on mainnet.

COTI has been working on partnerships that will help Djed hit the market running on launch. Here's a table list showing at least a dozen partners who have been brought on board in 2022

Djed Partnerships announced in 2022

YearMonthCOTI Djed Partners
2022OctoberEmpowa, Axo
2022SeptemberCardano Warriors, Cogito Protocol
2022AugustWingriders, JaraNetwork
2022JulyKirkStone, Astarter
2022JuneMuesliSwap, Celestial City, Trading Tent
2022MayGADA, CardaShift, Gerowallet, Cardahub
2022AprilMinSwap DEX, Revelar, Fluid tokens
2022MarchGenius Yields, Cardax, LiqWid Labs, Revuto
2022FebruaryWorld Mobile Token (WMT), Aada Finance, NFT-MAKER
2022JanuaryDOEX, MeowSwap, Indigo Protocol, ADAX

See a full list of all COTI's Djed-related partnerships.

Djed pre-launch development update


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